Church Website Project Photography Guidelines


Quality Guidelines

  • Images should enhance the overall reputation of the church.
  • Images that are photographs whole display individuals/groups in a dignified, relevant manner.
  • Images should be in focus, well-lit for the subject matter and properly processed for color correction, and not grainy, blurry, or improperly processed.
  • Image editing should be consistent and keep with the current design and style of the website.

Resolution and size

  • Images should be used at 100 percent of their size at 72 dpi to provide the best loading time for the page.
  • The size and composition should be such that any text over a photo is still legible. 
  • Images that are vertical are generally more difficult to fit in the format for the website.
  • On pages where there are multiple images, the images should be the same size and quality.
  • It is important to keep the file size as small as possible to ensure that the page loads quickly. We recommend using image files of less than 500 KB for best results.


  • JPG/JPEG: The preferred format for posting photography online. JPG/JPEG images should be compressed to a file size of less than 500 KB for best results. 
  • PNG: Non-compressed images that should be used if their file size is comparable to that of a JPG (less than 500 KB).

Submission guidelines

  • Please save your photos with the appropriate name. For example, for a photo of a small group for the Gatherings section, please title it "Small group meeting". 
  • Please email all of your photos all in the same thread.


Other guidelines

  • Existing template images: The existing images accompanying were chosen and prepared with the assistance of our design team to ensure compliance with up-to-date standards and copyright rules. 
  • New photos: Can only be used if the images meet standard web requirements and adhere to copyright rules. They should also match the current design/style of the website.
  • Copyright rules: It is important that we comply with the rules of copyright for images on the web. If you don't know who owns an image, or if you have not been granted express permission to use an image, do not use it. Those who use our services are responsible for all content on their sites. If you have any questions about the origin, alterations, use or development of the content on your site, please contact the Church Website Project at

Example of high quality photo:

Example of poor quality photo:</span